

Goal: Reduce or delay the onset of substance use


  • Advocate with school to implement evidence-based prevention programs
  • Increase education about substance use disorders across a range of stakeholders and community at large
  • Promote parent conversations with kids about drugs and alcohol
  • Increase opportunities for mentoring for youth including peer mentorship

Goal: Improve access and retention in treatment and other services


  • Increase number of people in recovery working in the field
  • Improve and initiate warm handoff programs and criminal justice diversion programs
  • Increase interagency collaboration to ensure connection to basic needs
  • Increase access to harm reduction resources
  • Increase interagency collaboration between treatment and recovery services
  • Improve treatment infrastructure by addressing pay and support for workers
  • Evaluate length of stay restrictions
  • Expand and align substance use education for first responders
  • Improve access and support for MAT services

Goal: Increase recovery capital


  • Improve promotion and initiation of pro-social activities
  • Increase opportunities for stories of recovery to be shared across a range of stakeholders and community
  • Expand supportive networks through utilization of CRS services throughout continuum of care
  • Identify recovery capital needs