About the Steering Committee
Members of the initial Steering Committee were selected by the Executive Director of the YOC with input from the YOC Board and members of the community that have worked with YOC. The Steering Committee will decide its membership in the future.
The Steering Committee should reflect the diversity of York County and include primary actors and representatives from policymakers, funders and service providers. The Steering Committee must always have a permanent seat for the following: York/Adams Drug & Alcohol Commission, York County Human Services, Consumer Advisory Board, York County Probation Services, a Recovery Community Organization, a treatment provider, and a family member with lived experience.
The Steering Committee desires to have the following sectors also represented: a faith-based organization, public health, healthcare, recovery housing, housing, and fire responders.
Steering Committee terms are two years, although members may be asked to serve more than one term, with no maximum number of terms.
The Steering Committee shall consist of no less than 7 members and no more than 15 members.
Steering Committee members may also serve as chair or co-chair of a Work Group.
The Steering Committee will elect a co-chair and representative from backbone agency will serve as other co-chair.
The roles and responsibilities of co-chair are as follows: develop agenda with backbone staff, co-facilitate steering committee meeting, set up a process for reporting back information from work groups, bring considerations.
The Steering Committee will meet at least quarterly and as often as monthly.

Becky Lockner

Mary Dolheimer

Dr. Matthew Howie

Matthew McGirr

Yolanda Hunter

Clair Doll

Melissa Leathery

Pete Fitzgerald

Amy Evans

Billie Barton