Thursday, July 15, 2020
RE: York Opioid Collaborative FY 20-21 Meetings and Infrastructure
As we enter a new fiscal year for the York Opioid Collaborative, we have been having internal and external discussions regarding the best delivery method and structure of meetings for stakeholder engagement and involvement to better support efforts of the York Opioid Collaborative. It was felt that as we grow and position ourselves with new initiatives, that change is necessary for even greater effectiveness in our mission to reduce overdoses and impact of opioid/substance on our community.
In pursuing the alignment of meetings with objectives outlined in our strategic plan, we recognized the need for continued enhancement of our Public Health and Safety Team with data collection, data analysis and performance monitoring, while moving our community meetings to a position of enhancing opportunities for education, awareness and prevention. There is a shared north star, but different approaches, each of equal value and need. The York Opioid Collaborative will have a Public Health and Safety Team and a Community Prevention Coalition moving forward. The goals and objectives of each are outlined below, as well as the frequency and schedule of meetings.
Public Health and Safety Team
Data-driven overdose response among Public Health and Public Safety Partners through action-oriented, facilitated targeted problem solving with shared accountability among partners and performance monitoring of interventions. This is designed to enhance data collection and sharing among stakeholders to better inform community response and individual agency response.
Strategic Plan Goals: Rescue and Treatment
Activities: Fatal/Non-fatal overdose analysis, Hospital admissions data, Criminal Justice Impact
Schedule: Every 3rd Thursday at 3pm- 4:30pm, once a month
July 16th, August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, November 19th, December 17th, January 21st, February 18th, March 18th, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th
Community Prevention Coalition
Engagement with community partners to increase education/awareness of substance use disorders, development of prevention activities and enhanced recovery/community support. The prevention coalition will focus on messaging, educational opportunities, recovery support and ways to involve the community in reducing overdoses and overall impact.
Strategic Plan Goals: Prevention and Recovery
Activities: Education about substance use disorders, workforce support, substance abuse prevention education and activities, stories of recovery, recovery pro-social activities and enhancement of support options
Schedule: 2nd Thursday, every other month at 4pm- 5:30pm
July 9th, September 10th, November 12th, January 14th, March 11th, May 13th
York Opioid Collaborative Large-Scale Community Meeting
Once a quarter, members of the prevention coalition and PHAST will come together to share updates on new initiatives/ performance and information sharing from individual agencies.
Schedule: Once a quarter at 4pm-5pm
September 24th at 4pm, December 10th at 4pm, March 25th at 4pm, June 10th at 4pm