The York Opioid Collaborative is inviting York County high school and college students to submit artwork for an opportunity to have it displayed during our “Healthy Expressions” Art Show. This youth-driven campaign will focus on positive coping skills youth can use to avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) and to deal with mental health challenges they face.
A one-night art gallery show, “Healthy Expressions” is designed to inspire conversation and create a culture of open communication. Students will have the opportunity to share their work and talk about the challenges they face every day.
Research shows that youth and young adults can be powerful agents of change for substance use prevention. Teens and young adults are more likely to trust messages delivered from their peers. Therefore, this campaign aims to:
- Give youth a voice and platform to inform and influence substance use prevention; and
- Engage youth in an activity to educate and empower them to make good choices about ATOD and their future.
The art show will feature work spanning a variety of creative mediums, including paintings, drawings, digital design, poems, speeches, and video. The event will also feature an opportunity for youth to speak; presentations from community members, including prevention specialists who will weave in the topics of alcohol, substance (mis)use and mental health; and resources for parents.
In order to participate:
- Fill out the intent to participate form by Friday, November 17th.
- All artwork must be submitted by Friday, November 30th.
- High school participants are encouraged to work with an adult advisor to make submissions.
- The artwork will be returned to the artist after the show.
The art show will be held on January 25, 2024, at Marketview Arts from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.